Donate Recycle Or Disposal Of Cell Phones
Disposal Of Cell Phones, Donate Or Recycle Your Data Devices. Recycling your old cellphone is a great way to help the environment and keep hazardous materials out of landfills. Learn more about what you need to consider before recycling your phone. Do you have an old cellphone that you no longer use? If so, it’s time to consider recycling it.
Are You A Business or Residential Customer?

Call (404) 905-8235 For Disposal Of Cell Phones, All Types, Regardless Of Age in Atlanta GA
Donate Recycle Or Disposal Of Cell Phones Is what we do at Beyond Surplus. Congratulations you ended here because you are searching for a local reputable electronic recycling company to Donate, Safely Recycle Or Disposal Of Obsolete, Surplus Cell Phones. See: How to prepare your computers, tablets, phones, ipads & iphones for recycling in Atlanta
Why should you recycle old cell phones in Atlanta?
Phones experience rapid technological change in the cellphone industry, low initial cost, and even planned obsolescence of devices like Apple iPhones have resulted in a fast-growing surplus. 100-120 million phones are discarded every year resulting in them becoming the fastest growing form of electronic waste around the globe. Cell phones contain materials like lead, mercury, arsenic, and other hazardous compounds that are toxic to the environment.
In some States Mobile phones are “considered hazardous waste” ; many chemicals in such phones leach from landfills into the groundwater system. Electronic scrap accounts for 70% of the overall toxic waste currently found in landfills in the U.S.A
Call (404) 905-8235 to Recycle Cell Phones, Flip Phones, Or Smartphones in Atlanta
Beyond Surplus Accepts All Cellphones, Flip Phones Or Smartphones Regardless of Age, Brand Or Condition in Atlanta, GA, Fulton County. A cell phone’s shelf life is only about 24 months for the average user. This means that newer cell phone models are constantly put up on the market to replace older ones. This is as a result of the rapid progression of technology in the mobile industry. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 141 million mobile phones were discarded in 2009 and only 12 million of those were collected for recycling.
Most cell phones contain precious metals and plastics that can be recycled to save energy and resources that would otherwise be required to mine or manufacture. The circuit board on cell phones can be made of copper, gold, lead, zinc, beryllium, tantalum, coltan, and other raw materials that would require significant resources to mine and manufacture. This is why recycling old cell phones and sourcing these increasingly scarce materials whenever possible is important.

The Recycling Process Of Cell Phones, Flip Phones Or Smartphones
During the recycling process, any part of a usable mobile device is repurposed instead of being immediately thrown out. The process generally starts when the recycler ships the batteries off to be recycled at a specialized establishment. Then the phone is shredded and melted down in order to take out any materials that can be re-used.
Phone parts that can be recycled include: Batteries; Metals; Plastics; Aerials; Battery connectors; LCD screens; Microphones; Screws; Speakers.
Call (404) 905-8235 to Donate Your Old Cell Phones, Flip Phones Or Smartphones in Kennesaw GA
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, there are around 350,000 cell phones thrown away every day in the US! We will find a new home for Your Re-Usable Old Cell Phones, Flip Phones Or Smartphones in Kennesaw, GA Cobb County. At our warehouse, we thoroughly inspect every donated Old Cell Phones, Flip Phones Or Smartphones and protect your Data by removing Asset Tags, Stickers and Identifying marks from each unit (Sanitized). During this initial Inspection stage all Devices Are Factory Reset Or Wiped To Protect Your Information.
If They Cannot Be Factory Reset They Are Physically Shredded for EAfter Data Destruction and Sanitization we test all equipment for re-use or re-marketing. Reduction and Reuse is the best option to the challenge of ewaste per EPA guidelines. Beyond Surplus partners with Charitable organizations and Churches to provide Free computers, monitors and assorted electronic equipment making them available to low-income families, students and veterans who otherwise would not be able to afford them.

Keeping Your Information Secure
Prior to recycling your cell phone, you should make sure that your information on the device is backed up. Remove your SIM card. After you have backed up your phone, Go into your settings to factory reset it and wipe any existing personal data.
- Backup your device. You should also look to ensure that you have saved all of the data you want from your device. This can include messages, photos and videos. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for backing up your device. With an iPhone, go into settings, then find iCloud and then back up. With Android again find settings and head for the google sync option.
- Reset your phone. Once you have saved the data, now is the time to look at resetting it back to its original settings. Again for both iPhone and Samsung to reset your phone you just head over to the settings menu and navigate to Reset.
- Remove your SIM / Memory card/ SD Card. Don’t forget to take this out before sending the device.
What if you cannot reset your Cell Phones, Flip Phones Or Smartphones? No Worries Beyond Surplus will recycle it and safeguard your information by Disassembling your phone into basic components.
What is included with The Donate Recycle Or Disposal Of Cell Phones Services
- Pickup for Businesses With Qualifying Equipment. Schedule A Pickup. We can remove, pack and transport the equipment to our facility.
- Free Drop Off For Residential customers & Businesses that do not qualify for a pickup or dont want to pay a fee can drop off any number of Acceptable Items at our Smyrna warehouse. (NO APPOINTMENT REQUIRED)
- Recycling and disposal of all equipment in accordance with all Local & Federal Regulations. R2 Downstream Vendors, Zero Electronic Waste in Landfill. You will not see your equipment on a burn pile on the 6 o’clock news in a foreign country.
- Free Data Destruction, Factory Data Reset or In-house Shredding of Phones That Are Too Old or Cannot Be Factory Reset.
- Free Drop Off Receipt / Certificate of Recycling and Data Destruction A Contractual Written Guarantee that your Phones will be Recycled & Disposed of Responsibly & Your Data Will Be Destroyed Beyond Recovery. Your Local Electronics, Big Box Store, Local City or County run Recycling center provides no Written Guarantee that your equipment & data will be safeguarded and Recycled Responsibly, Only Beyond Surplus Provides this service.
- Overview Pictures of Picked Up Business equipment when we receive it at our warehouse. “A picture is worth a thousand words” Visual Verification of equipment delivery to our facility. Along with a delivery report that serves as transfer of liability.
- For Businesses Only. Beyond Surplus will handle the logistics of equipment pick-up and delivery to its warehouse from your company’s location(s). We also make arrangements to use our own equipment, and or a trucking company to facilitate pick-up and delivery. Beyond Surplus will provide the labor to move and palletize the equipment on site and deliver to its warehouse if necessary (if you can palletize before pickup that would be awesome). Additionally, Beyond Surplus will provide technicians to de-install equipment if necessary.
Donate Recycle Or Disposal Of Cell Phones Drop Off Center
In an effort to create a safe environment for both our customers and employees Beyond Surplus is offering a NO-CONTACT Electronics Recycling Drop-Off Service, this service allows our customers to bring in Accepted Recyclable Electronic Equipment and have no direct contact with anyone. Businesses & the general public can drop off equipment at our Atlanta warehouse during our business hours.
Address: 1835 SOUTH COBB IND. BLVD SE #105, SMYRNA, GA 30082
Secure Hard Drive Destruction (Free Service)
We offer Free Physical Hard Drive destruction from from All Business Equipment that we pick up & All Equipment Dropped off at our warehouse; we will supply you with a “Certificate of Recycling & Data Destruction” stating that the drives were destroyed; submit this request with your online pickup request. For a nominal fee we can also scan and record all the serial numbers in a spreadsheet in addition to the Recycling & Data Destruction Certificate.
Local Hard Drive Shredding
If you are looking for a hard drive destruction near you we can help. Beyond Surplus services the data destruction needs of companies in Georgia big and small looking for hard drive destruction in Georgia. We can develop a custom hard drive destruction service just for your organization. Our hard drive destruction service costs businesses next to nothing if we pick up other equipment along with the hard drives.
Searching for hard drive destruction service in Marietta, Roswell or other metro area cities? We can help. All hard drives & storage devices deemed to be too old or non-functional will be shredded or otherwise physically destroyed according to NIST SP 800-88 Guidelines for Media Sanitization at no cost to the customer.
Visual Verification of Destruction (Paid Service)
Beyond Surplus gives you 100% peace of mind offering you Visual Verification of Destruction at our Smyrna Warehouse. We will destroy your hard drives while you watch. This particular physical destruction is considered the most effective way to guarantee absolute data destruction. Contact us to request a quote. You have the option of requesting a Certificate of Destruction that includes serial numbers of all Media that has been destroyed for a small fee.
Certified hard drive destruction (Paid Service)
With this computer hard drive recycling service, we will pickup your hard drives & or hard drive containing computers, laptops & servers and securely deliver to our warehouse. At our secure facility we will remove Record Serial Numbers & Shred All Hard Drives. After destruction the customer will be emailed a Certificate of Destruction with Date, Media Type Destroyed, Serial Number & Method of Destruction. This service meets all compliance needs like HIPPAA with a certificate of destruction hard drive issued.
Contact us if you have special requirements for computer data destruction hard drive. For a nominal fee we can scan and record all the serial numbers in a spreadsheet in addition to the Free Recycling & Data Destruction Certificate. We are a data destruction offering free data destruction services. We can destroy hard drives like no other IT equipment disposal company in Georgia. We can help destroy laptop hard drives or computer hard drives. We can destroy any hard drive.
Data security has become a paramount concern for individuals and businesses alike. With the ever-increasing risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches, it is crucial to ensure that sensitive information stored on hard drives is properly destroyed when it is no longer needed.
It is crucial to ensure that sensitive information is properly disposed of to prevent unauthorized access. This is where hard drive destruction services play a vital role.
Free Secure Data Destruction (Free Service)
By Default for Every Item processed by Beyond Surplus we will thoroughly inspect every item and protect your Data by removing Asset Tags, Stickers and Identifying marks from each unit (Sanitize). Beyond Surplus is a leading data destruction company in Atlanta offering free data destruction services to businesses in Marietta, Alpharetta, Duluth, Lawrenceville and other Atlanta Metro areas. During te initial Inspection stage every drive is wiped using a Department of Defense Compliant erasure program free of charge. We offer Free Data Destruction aka free hard drive wiping using the DoD 5220.22-M 3 Pass data sanitization methods that will prevent all software-based file recovery methods on all hard drives picked up or dropped off at our warehouse. All hard drives & storage devices deemed to be too old or non-functional will be shredded or otherwise physically destroyed according to NIST SP 800-88 Guidelines for Media Sanitization at no cost to the customer.
At beyond surplus we specialize in destroying hard drives. We can efficiently and securely destroy laptop hard drives. Contact us if you want us to destroy your computer hard drive.
How We Destroy Hard Drives
Beyond Surplus operates an Ameri-Shred industrial hydraulic shredder specifically designed to destroy your hard drives, data backup tapes Beyond Recovery. Only complete, physical destruction will ensure that your digital data is permanently destroyed. As your business faces a surge of privacy breach threats, it’s not enough to simply erase data from your media before it’s discarded. Beyond Surplus offers several approaches to permanent hard drive destruction depending on type of media and volume. We can efficiently and securely destroy any quantity of hard drives. We destroy hard drives like no other companies in the Atlanta metro area.
We are experts at destroying old hard drives. We can effortlessly destroy old computer’s hard drives. We handle hard disk drive disposal for corporations, school districts and fortune 5000 companies. If you are looking to dispose of hard drive in Atlanta you have come to the right place. We can help with disposing of hard drives or hard drive shredding with our free hard drive destroying service.
How To Destroy a Hard Drive?
You ended here because you are searching for how to destroy a hard drive. We have streamlined the process of how to destroy data on a hard drive permanently. We are experts on how to dispose of hard drives and know the different legal requirements of how to safely destroy hard drive.
Hard Drive Shredding
We can shred 750 Server Hard Drives to 1500 Standard Hard Drives Per Hour At our Smyrna facility. A 1-1/2” Shred Width Guarantees the destruction of the hard drive platters, mechanisms and electronic components Beyond Recovery rendering the data unrecoverable.
Hard Drive Crushing
Our Hard Disk Crusher (HDC) drills through the hard disk’s spindles and physically creates ripples in the platters making it impossible to recover the data. We offer secure destruction of the following electronic media: • Hard drives • SSD drives • Backup tapes & storage media • CDs and DVDs • Portable jump drives, thumb drives and flash drive USB devices
Hard Drive Wiping
We offer Free Data Destruction also known as free hard drive wiping using the DoD 5220.22-M 3 Pass data sanitization methods that will prevent all software-based file recovery methods on all hard drives.
All hard drives & storage devices deemed to be too old or non-functional will be shredded or otherwise physically destroyed according to NIST SP 800-88 Guidelines for Media Sanitization at no cost to the customer. Looking for where you can shred my hard drive? Or Atlanta hard drive destruction or where can i take a hard drive we can help. You have found where to dispose of old hard drives or where to wipe your hard drive.
Free Atlanta Hard Drive Recycling
Shredded or destroyed hard drive are recycled, separated for precious metals and smelted as part of the refining process. Hard drives contain precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum and Palladium. You can safely and securely recycle hard drives with Beyond Surplus. If you are looking to recycle hard drives near you, this is the place. You can recycle old hard drives this is the right thing to do.
Recycling old hard drives is simple and easy. Contact us for free computer hard drive recycling services. Regardless of hard drive type we can securely recycle them, laptop hard drives, server hard drives, laptop hard drives, old hard drives can all be securely recycled by Beyond Surplus at our Hard Drive Recycling Facility.
If you are searching for how to dispose of hard drives you have found us. We offer various data destruction methods that render all data unrecoverable. We also offer hard drive recycling. You ended up on this page while searching for secure hard drive destruction service or how to dispose of hard drives.
Free Hard Drive Shredding & Disposal Services Drop Off Center
In an effort to create a safe environment for both our customers and employees, Beyond Surplus is offering a NO-CONTACT Electronics Recycling Drop-Off Service, this service allows our customers to bring in Accepted Recyclable Electronic Equipment and have no direct contact with anyone. Businesses & the general public can drop off accepted equipment at our Atlanta warehouse during our business hours.

Where information is stored and transferred electronically, the importance of hard drive destruction cannot be overstated. Whether you are an individual or a business, protecting sensitive data and maintaining privacy should be a top priority. Hard drive destruction is a crucial step in ensuring that no trace of your confidential information remains on old or unused hard drives.

The Importance of Electronics Recycling

Creative Ways to Recycle Cell Phones

Consequences of Not Recycling Computers

Benefits of Recycling Computers

Atlanta Business Shredding Service

Lab Equipment Disposal Services

Recycle Computers Alpharetta GA

Electronics Waste Disposal Atlanta, Ga

Electronics Recycling Atlanta, Ga

Recycle Laptops Atlanta Ga

Sell Telecom Equipment

Recycle Electronics By Mail For Free
Our Process
Businesses can schedule a pickup. Residential customers can mail-in or schedule a pickup for a fee .
Compile List of Items to be Recycled
Provide as much detail as possible. e.g 5 computers, 3 printers, 2 laptops, etc.
Contact Beyond Surplus and Request a Recycling Pick up or Drop off
Schedule over the phone, by email or by filling out our form
Pick Up or Drop Off
Pickup or drop off will be scheduled based on your preferred date and time. Confirmation email wil be sent confirming pickup or dropoff
We Handle Logistics
Secure Wiping Data
Our wiping methods are certified. Rest assured your data and information is secure with beyond surplus. Certificates of destruction available upon request.
Certificates of recycling & data destruction are available for each load of equipment picked up. These are contractual written guarantees that your equipment will be disposed of responsibly.
Service Areas
We do all the planning, heavy lifting, and logistics coordination including on or offsite hard drive shredding so you can focus on your business.
Georgia Service Area

Customer Testimonials
Here are frequently asked questions on the services that we provide.
Why should I take my old electronics to an electronic recycling center?
When it comes to disposing of old electronics, electronic recycling centers provide the most responsible and environmentally friendly solution. Electronic recycling is a process that repurposes electronic components such as computers and mobile phones into new, usable items like new computers or cell phones. By taking your old electronics to a recycling center, you will be preventing them from entering landfills where they can cause considerable environmental damage due to hazardous materials such as lead and mercury. In fact, research shows that throwing away an old computer can contribute more than 4 pounds of greenhouse gases into the environment!
Why should hard drives be destroyed by professionals?
Data security: improper disposal of old hard drives can lead to severe data breaches.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is responsible for enforcing the “Disposal Rule” which requires companies to properly dispose of personally identifiable information (PII) on computer hard drives or other digital media. The goal is to reduce the risk of data breaches and identity theft by holding companies accountable for their handling of consumer information. This rule sets the crosshairs of the FTC on the computer-recycling, IT Asset Disposal and digital media destruction process of an organization.
Who recycles computers in Atlanta?
We provide it equipment disposal services to a wide range of clients, including government agencies, healthcare providers, schools, universities, data centers, residential customers and much more.
What area do you service?
We pickup Nationwide from all contiguous United States. Handling All aspects of pickup, removal, and logistics.
Do you charge a fee to pick up equipment for recycling?
Contact Us With A List Of Equipment You Have to go over your options. Beyond Surplus will handle the logistics of equipment pick-up and delivery to its warehouse from your company’s location(s). We also make arrangements to use our own equipment, and or a trucking company to facilitate pick-up and delivery. Beyond Surplus will provide the labor to move and palletize the equipment on site and deliver to its warehouse if necessary. Additionally, Beyond Surplus will provide technicians to de-install equipment if necessary.
Can you recycle iPads?
Yes, you can absolutely recycle your old iPad. iPad recycling or any other electronic device is one of the best ways to reduce waste and limit environmental damage. The benefits of recycling your old device are countless—not only does it keep gadgets out of landfills, but it also helps extend the life cycle of materials used in manufacturing new products and decreases the need to harvest more raw materials from the planet’s resources.
Do you have a list of items you accept for recycling?
Do you have minimum quantity pickup requirements for businesses?
Must the equipment be on a pallet before being picked up?
NO, The best possible way to transport LARGE QUANTITY of obsolete computer equipment is on pallets. Gaylord (Bulk) boxes (a 4-cube, heavy cardboard box that is filled on a pallet) provide the best stability.
We have found that neatly stacking components, even monitors, on a pallet will be stable for transport if shrink-wrapped well.
While having the equipment packed or palletized prior to pick up is ideal and results in a quick pick up, we know some businesses are located in High rise buildings, office parks, or locations without a loading dock or have no Pallets or Boxes to prepare the equipment for pick up. This is not a problem, Let us know, we come prepared with all the required equipment to safely remove the equipment from your building to our truck and to our warehouse.
Do you Accept Paper, Cardboard, Glass?
NO, Please contact your local City or sanitation department for the proper recycling & disposal of these item types.
Do you pick up large office copiers?
Yes, Just the copiers? Copiers Only? Request a quote, Can The Fee Be Waived? Yes Only if picked up with 2 or more pallets worth of computer or IT equipment to offset the cost. Copiers can be dropped off at our warehouse.
Do you buy scrap metal or aluminum cans? Are you a scrap metal yard?
NO, Beyond Surplus currently DOES NOT purchase ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metals. We do accept scrap metal with NO Pay NO Charge.
Do you have an area that the equipment be dropped off at your warehouse after business hours?
NO, All equipment drop offs must be supervised during business hours per EPA guidelines.
Do you charge a fee for recycling?
Yes & No, One of the most frequently asked questions is, “Is there a Fee to drop off equipment for recycling?” For the most part NO depending on the items, please check our accepted items page to determine if there is a fee or not.
NO Charge for Computer LCD or LED Monitors
Do you pay for equipment dropped off for recycling?
NO, some equipment actually costs Beyond Surplus to recycle and dispose off correctly.
Do you pick up items for recycling from homes?
NO, RESIDENTIAL pick ups are available at this time, however items can be dropped off at our warehouse. This includes businesses operated out out homes.
Please refer to the yellow pages for companies that offer residential pickup if items cannot be dropped off at the Beyond Surplus warehouse.
Are there any limits to the amount of electronics customers can drop off?
NO, you can drop off or Businesses can schedule pick up of any quantity of items on our Accepted Items list.
Can I Schedule a Pickup over the Phone?
NO, We prefer that you submit a pickup request online at your convenience gathering all the required information, some information like pictures of equipment and inventory lists cannot be sent over the phone furthermore an online signature is required for all pickup requests.
Do you have other drop off locations In Georgia?
NO, Just the Smyrna location. If you are unable to drop off items at the Marietta Beyond Surplus warehouse please contact your city, county or sanitation department for your nearest recycling drop off center.
Can I mail in my equipment to be recycled by USPS, FedEx, UPS or Freight?
YES, Please contact us for instructions, depending on the items we can pay for shipping.
Don't let obsolete IT equipment become your liability
Without professional IT asset disposal, you risk data breaches, environmental penalties, and lost returns from high-value equipment. Choose Beyond Surplus to transform your IT disposal challenges into opportunities.
Join our growing clientele of satisfied customers across Georgia who trust us with their IT equipment disposal needs. Let us lighten your load.